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DEX.ORG: The Robinhood of DeFi Gears Up for an Explosive Token and Exchange Launch



DEX.ORG, the innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) platform, is excited to announce the upcoming launch of its highly anticipated token and exchange. Poised to become the “Robinhood of DeFi,” DEX.ORG combines the best features of centralized exchanges (CEX) with the unparalleled security and autonomy of decentralized finance (DeFi), setting a bold new standard in decentralized trading.

A Revolution in Decentralized Trading

Since the inception of cryptocurrency exchanges with Bitcoin in 2008 the DeFi landscape has rapidly evolved. Today, crypto exchanges process nearly one trillion dollars in monthly trading volume. DEX.ORG is leading the next wave of innovation in this space, offering a radically new experience that bridges the gap between easy-to-use UX/UI and decentralized security.

“We took what Robinhood did for retail trading and what Wise did for banking as an inspiration for this exchange.” says the DEX.ORG team. “We have reimagined the trading experience from the ground up to provide a seamless, secure, user-centric, and intuitive platform for all types of traders.”

Features & Advantages

  • Custody and Control: As a non-custodial platform, DEX.ORG ensures that traders maintain full control of their private keys and funds, in contrast with the custodial nature of traditional CEXs.
  • Transparency: Every transaction on DEX.ORG is immutably recorded on the blockchain
  • Stability and Security: DEX.ORG operates 24/7 without manual intervention and never holds user funds, reducing the risk of hacks and insider fraud.
  • Privacy: With NO KYC requirements, DEX.ORG provides a degree of user anonymity, enhancing privacy and security for traders.

Advanced Trading Experience

DEX.ORG’s hybrid decentralized exchange model implements advanced smart routing mechanisms to satisfy trades across all major EVM chains. Users can trade both traditional and taxable tokens with instant access to the best prices and liquidity via multiple decentralized exchanges.

  • Multi-Chain Support: DEX.ORG supports transactions across several blockchains including Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, and more enabling hassle-free cross-chain trading.
  • Intuitive UX/UI: DEX.ORG is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly trading experience with advanced features available for more experienced traders.
  • Multiple Smart Routers: DEX.ORG’s multiple smart routers enable trading of any token, taxed or non-taxed. These routers always ensure optimal trading outcomes.
  • Limit Orders: Traders can manage risk with limit orders to buy or sell at any desired price. This offers greater control and flexibility for trading strategies.

Strategic Partnerships & Security

To ensure the highest standards of security and reliability, DEX.ORG has made strategic partnerships with leading firms in the blockchain space.

Smart Contract Auditors, Liquidity Providers, Market Makers: Collaborations with aggregators to provide superior liquidity & Cross-Chain Bridges and Layer 2 Solutions are to be announced in DEX.ORG’s Telegram (@DexDotOrg) and X (@dexorgexchange) building up to exchange launch.

Tokenomics and Revenue Streams

$DEX powers and supports the DEX.ORG ecosystem. The $DEX token is designed to stimulate positive and collaborative behaviors that help build a healthy and vibrant trading community. With a fixed supply and strategic allocation, early participants are rewarded for their commitment, while a ‘token back’ mechanism ensures long-term sustainability.

Revenue streams include trading fees, promotional placements, and listing fees.

Join the DEX.ORG Revolution

DEX.ORG invites all traders, from newbies to professionals, to join our growing community and become a part of the future of decentralized trading.

For more information, visit WWW.DEX.ORG, or join our community on Telegram @DexDotOrg


DEX.ORG is a pioneering decentralized exchange platform that combines the best features of a centralized exchange with the security and autonomy of decentralized finance. Providing an intuitive trading experience, advanced security features, and community tools such as copy trading, DEX.ORG is a groundbreaking new paradigm for trading digital assets.



Undeads Games launches $50M paired staking



In a groundbreaking development, Undeads Games has commenced a $50M Paired Staking initiative alongside a staggering $2M airdrop, setting a new standard in the blockchain gaming community. This new staking model is already live and introduces enhanced rewards and deeper engagement opportunities for the game’s enthusiastic player base.

Empowering the community with paired staking

Undeads Games is pioneering an exciting staking system where players can pair their UDS tokens with exclusive Undeads Zombie NFTs to maximize their earnings. By locking in UDS tokens for periods ranging from 1- 24 months, participants can earn up to an impressive 50% APR. The rewards potential escalates with the rarity of the NFT paired, offering up to 80% enhanced shares of the rewards pool.

Seamless integration and user-centric design

The Paired Staking program is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, allowing community members to easily select their desired staking period and rewards via a dedicated dashboard. Once the staking period concludes, tokens along with accrued rewards are immediately unlocked and returned to the user, ensuring transparency and reliability through a comprehensive system that not only gives significant returns but simultaneously builds trust among the community.

Celebrating community commitment with $2M UDS airdrop

Undeads Games also distributed its ground-breaking airdrop of 2,500,000 UDS tokens. This huge airdrop – part of a four-year initiative – rewards Undeads Zombies NFT holders annually, scaling the distribution according to the rarity of each holder’s NFT. This approach not only enhances the value of holders’ digital assets but also solidifies their investment in the evolving game ecosystem.

Strengthening player trust and engagement

This airdrop underscores Undeads Games’ dedication to its vibrant community of gamers and NFT enthusiasts. By intertwining substantial rewards with player involvement—through social media airdrops, the Viral Game, and play-to-earn opportunities—Undeads Games aims to foster a rewarding environment that acknowledges and compensates its most committed players, and by extension further deepen their engagement with the platform.

Understanding the offering

The Paired Staking system has been designed by the Undeads’ team to reward the trust and commitment of avid enthusiasts within the community. By choosing to participate, users agree to lock their assets for the specified period, and this commitment is irreversible until the unlock date – underscoring the significant trust users place in the project, and ultimately rewarding this trust in turn.

As such the staking mechanism stands as a testament to the committed partnership between Undeads Games and the community, ensuring that their most loyal supporters – who understand the project and actively engage with the platform – receive the maximum benefits from their investments. In an industry full of projects that simply see their investors as a means to increase their own revenue and status, this impressive offering represents a refreshing offering from a company already showing exceptional promise.

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HashKey Global Launches 2nd HashKey Launchpool: Earn ATH Tokens by Locking ATH & USDT



HashKey Global will launch the second phase of the Launchpool project, Aethir (ATH), on June 11, 2024. Users can lock ATH or USDT to share a pool of 5,870,000 ATH. The locking period is 3 days, starting on June 11 at 02:00 (UTC), with rewards beginning to accrue on June 12 at 10:00 (UTC). Spot trading for ATH/USDT will commence on June 12 at 10:00 (UTC), and ATH withdrawals will be available starting June 13 at 10:00 (UTC). Participation requires KYC verification, and both deposits and withdrawals will be conducted via the ERC20 network.

The Launchpool offers two supported pools: ATH Pool and USDT Pool. The ATH Pool provides 1,837,000 ATH in rewards with a minimum locking amount of 100 ATH and a maximum of 260,000 ATH. The USDT Pool offers 4,033,000 ATH in rewards, requiring a minimum of 10 USDT and a maximum of 5,000 USDT. The Launchpool period runs from June 12, 2024, to June 15, 2024.

About HashKey Global

HashKey Global is the flagship global digital asset exchange under HashKey Group, offering licensed digital asset trading services to users worldwide. HashKey Global has obtained a license from the Bermuda Monetary Authority with the potential to provide mainstream trading and service products such as LaunchPad, contracts, leverage, and staking.

For more details, please visit

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SRCPAD: The Powerhouse Token Redefining SRC20 Capabilities



The recent report published by Universelle, covered first by highlights the superiority of the SRC20 ecosystem despite being undervalued due to limited awareness. This comprehensive analysis demonstrates SRC20’s unmatched data permanence and resilience, positioning it as a superior choice over other protocols like BRC20 and Runes. For more insights, read the full report here: Universelle Report.

Some of the most interesting tokens in the SRC20 ecosystem include the memecoin STAMP, which boasts the highest market capitalization and trading volume, and the utility token SPAD, the token of the SRCPAD platform, which is providing the most utilities to the ecosystem.

SRCPAD stands as a vanguard in the Bitcoin Stamps SRC-20 ecosystem, not merely a launchpad but a beacon of innovation. Their mission is championing projects that are innovative providing real utility.

Exciting Updates Coming to SRCPAD!

SRCPAD is transforming into an integral platform for the SRC20 ecosystem, building the most utilities for its holders. Their commitment to innovation and community ensures that they will remain at the forefront of the SRC20 revolution.

Developed by core members of the Bitcoin Stamps community, deeply involved in the SRC20 and Bitcoin Stamps ecosystem, SRCPAD is designed to enhance the SRC20 user experience. They are known for its significant contributions to the SRC20 protocol’s open-source code and the development of one of the first marketplaces. Recently, they launched SRCPAD, a robust launchpad designed to enhance the SRC20 user experience.

What are the near news in the platform:

Free for Everyone:

  • Full SRC20 & Stamps ecosystem indexer to explore any information.
  • Telegram SRCPAD Bot with Mempool, src20 market data and future utillities.

Token Gated to Holders:

  • Section in the website for feeless transfers & minting exclusive to holders.
  • “Staking point system” – every day you’ll get points for holding a specific Tier. Each tier will give more points, and Tiers will be used for benefits in every launch. We´ll comment more on this in the near future.
  • Exclusive token-gated market analytics – a first in the industry!

CEX Listings:

SRCPAD is excited to share that they are actively working with a prominent CEX to facilitate the listing of the SPAD token. This collaboration is expected to culminate in the next few weeks, bringing increased accessibility and liquidity to their token. Follow them on their social media platforms for the latest news and official announcements.


For more information, visit our website: SRCPAD
Follow us on Twitter: @srcpad_pro
Token listed: SPAD

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Geojam Ramps Up Marketing for $JAM Token with Major Activations



Geojam, the pioneering SocialFi AI ecosystem, announced a run of major marketing initiatives for its $JAM. With highly-anticipated token-driven experiences on the horizon in June and beyond, the company is launching several massive experiences along with a “Got JAM” integrated campaign to drive awareness and adoption of the $JAM token and its powerful utility.

“The $JAM token unlocks a whole new world of unique experiences powered by our cutting-edge AI and SocialFi technology,” said Sarah Figueroa, Co-Founder and CEO of Geojam. “Our ‘Got JAM’ campaign will bring attention to the $JAM token, our platform, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, our AI-driven business suite of tools, and more!”

The “Got JAM” campaign will feature high-profile takeovers, including a Times Square billboard and placements in Bloomberg outlets. Teasing an exciting and curious $JAM token, the campaign aims to enliven the community and drive strong interest around Geojam’s upcoming activations.

As an early preview, Geojam will host a Consensus after-party with its investors, Expert Dojo and Alpha Transform, in Austin this week, where $JAM token holders can partake in a VIP experience with world-famous DJ group Meduza. This celebratory event demonstrates the type of exclusive, token-gated experiences to come for the Geojam community and its token holders. RSVP to the private event here (access code: MUSIC)!

Enzo Villani, CEO of Alpha Transform Holdings commented, “Geojam’s experiences are world-class, and you can only get them as a JAM token holder.”

“Geojam is building an empire of experiences and activations with some of the most exclusive groups in the world. They’ve been on a roadshow to New York, Coachella, and now Austin. Exciting times for this growing SocialFi platform.” said Brian MacMahon, CEO of Expert Dojo.

The $JAM token is unlocking entirely new models of engagement, experiences, and SocialFi opportunities. The company is just getting started on bringing this powerful new movement to the world.

Stay tuned for more details on some $JAM experiences beginning next month, and to learn more about Geojam and how to join in on the fun, visit

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Why Gamety is a Hidden Gem



  • Gamety’s P2E model introduces a deflationary reward system inspired by Bitcoin, ensuring a capped token supply.
  • Rewards are dynamically adjusted based on factors like active players, token price, and reward pool size, fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • With accolades like the Web3 Game of the Year award, investor friendly tokenomics, and top-tier advisors, Gamety is positioned for exponential growth.
  • Backed by an experienced team and strategic partnerships, Gamety promises to unlock unprecedented value in the blockchain gaming ecosystem.

With the rise of blockchain gaming platforms, finding the right investment opportunity can feel like navigating a maze. However, Gamety stands out as a hidden gem for investors and gamers alike. At its core, Gamety offers a compelling proposition that combines innovation, sustainability, and community-driven gameplay, making it an irresistible choice for those seeking both financial returns and immersive gaming experiences.

One of the key reasons why Gamety is a good project for your watchlist is its commitment to innovation. Gamety’s P2E model introduces a groundbreaking reward system inspired by Bitcoin’s deflationary principles, ensuring a capped token supply while dynamically adjusting rewards based on various factors. The unique approach ties rewards to the active player count, token price, and reward pool size, fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem that combats token hyperinflation prevalent in traditional gaming models.

Through a fixed and self-sustaining reward pool supply, Gamety effectively curtails the risk of token oversupply, maintaining a balanced economic cycle where rewards circulate within the closed ecosystem. Moreover, the reward claim system incentivizes active ecosystem participation, offering players the flexibility to claim rewards immediately or accrue them over time based on their level. This strategic mechanism not only motivates players to level up but also boosts engagement and revenue generation for Gamety, ultimately enhancing the overall sustainability and vibrancy of the gaming ecosystem.

Gamety emerges as a hidden gem within the Web3 gaming sphere, boasting a remarkable array of accolades and attributes that underscore its potential for exponential growth. As the recipient of the prestigious Web3 Game of the Year award, Gamety has already solidified its reputation for excellence within the industry with the presence of MetaFighter.

This pre-established player foundation provides a solid groundwork for growth and engagement, setting Gamety apart as a platform with built-in user traction. Additionally, Gamety boasts investor-friendly tokenomics, characterized by a low Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) and a commitment to fair and transparent token distribution. These investor-friendly features not only enhance the platform’s appeal but also instill confidence in the project’s long-term viability and potential for sustainable growth.

Bolstered by a team of top-tier advisors from esteemed entities like Neo Tokyo, Seedify, and Gunzilla, Gamety is strategically positioned to navigate the complexities of the blockchain gaming landscape. Furthermore, Gamety’s pioneering status as the first mover on the Runes network, coupled with its successful public sale partnerships with Bluezilla and Gamestarter, signals its commitment to innovation and strategic collaboration.

With a low fully diluted valuation and short vesting periods, Gamety presents an enticing investment opportunity with substantial upside potential. Leveraging a pre-developed product boasting 30 games ready for launch, Gamety not only demonstrates its readiness for market penetration but also showcases its dedication to delivering engaging gaming experiences to its existing active player base. Backed by an experienced team, Gamety stands poised to unlock unprecedented value within the blockchain gaming ecosystem, cementing its status as a true hidden gem awaiting discovery.

In summary, Gamety represents more than just a gaming platform; it’s a visionary project that redefines the way we think about gaming and investing. With its innovative approach, commitment to sustainability, and vibrant community, Gamety is not just an easy sell – it’s a compelling opportunity for anyone looking to be part of the future of gaming.

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ATH Token Presale on AthenaDexFi Nearing Its Conclusion: Only $10,000 Left



The cryptocurrency world is about to witness an extraordinary event as the ATH Token presale on AthenaDexFi nears its conclusion. With only $10,000 remaining to be raised, excitement among investors is soaring.

ATH Token positions itself as a unique investment opportunity, offering investors an innovative and secure way to participate in the future of cryptocurrencies. The project stands out for its transparency and security, with all presale information and specifications available on the official channels.

The presale is taking place on, a cutting-edge decentralized platform committed to ensuring maximum security for investors. What truly makes ATH Token unique is its fully managed approach to ICO investments. The development team handles everything, from project analysis to transaction management, enabling investors to participate in promising projects without the hassle of managing every aspect of the investment.

Moreover, AthenaDexfi provides a hassle-free and risk-free investment experience. Any profits generated are sent directly to investors’ wallets, without the need for complicated steps or intermediaries. This has been demonstrated by the success of the Portal project, which has already brought good profits to investors.

With only $10,000 left to raise, now is the ideal time for investors to take part in the ATH Token presale. The AthenaDexFi team is ready to guide investors through every phase of the process, ensuring smooth and transparent participation.

In conclusion, ATH Token represents an unmissable opportunity for investors looking to participate in the future of cryptocurrencies. With its presale ongoing on AthenaDexFi, there has never been a better time to join the cryptocurrency revolution and reap significant benefits. For more information and to participate in the presale, visit the official website at

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From Asia to Europe: Tracing MCoin’s Rapid Global Adoption



In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, MCoin has carved out a unique space for itself, standing out as a beacon of innovation and practical utility. Originating from the dynamic blockchain platform M20 Chain, MCoin has seen an exponential increase in adoption across continents, particularly in Asia and Europe. This article explores the trajectory of MCoin’s growth, the factors contributing to its success, and its impact on the global cryptocurrency landscape.

MCoin’s Foundations in Asia

The story of MCoin begins in Asia, where it tapped into the region’s burgeoning interest in blockchain technology and digital currencies. The Asian market, known for its receptiveness to technological advancements, provided the perfect launching pad for MCoin. The strategic deployment of MCoin within various sectors, including fintech and ecommerce, facilitated by the M20 Chain’s robust infrastructure, led to rapid adoption among both businesses and consumers eager for innovative transaction solutions.

Expansion Strategies and Market Penetration

Key to MCoin’s expansion was its strategic partnerships with major Asian tech companies and financial institutions. These alliances helped integrate MCoin into everyday financial operations, enhancing its usability and appeal. Marketing initiatives focused on educating the public about the benefits of blockchain and MCoin’s role in this new digital economy further fueled its adoption.

Breaking into the European Market

Leveraging its success in Asia, MCoin began making significant inroads into the European market. Europe’s strong regulatory framework for digital currencies offered MCoin a structured and stable environment to expand its operations. The transparency and security of M20 Chain, verified by independent audits, appealed to European consumers and regulators alike, facilitating smoother entries into these new markets.

Cultural Tailoring and Localization

A crucial aspect of MCoin’s strategy was its focus on localization. Understanding that one size does not fit all, MCoin adapted its offerings to meet the diverse cultural and economic needs of European countries. From multi-language support in the digital wallets to compliance with local financial regulations, MCoin tailored its features to enhance user experience, making it a preferred choice for European users.

The Role of Community and Continuous Innovation

At the heart of MCoin’s expansion strategy is its vibrant, engaged community. Forums, webinars, and workshops have played pivotal roles in building a loyal user base. Continuous innovation, such as the development of new blockchain functionalities and enhancements in transaction efficiency, keeps the community engaged and helps attract new users.

Future Prospects

As MCoin continues to expand its footprint globally, it remains committed to innovation and user satisfaction. Upcoming features, such as enhanced cross-chain integration and even greener blockchain solutions, are set to further boost MCoin’s attractiveness to a global audience.


From Asia to Europe, MCoin’s journey is a testament to the potential of cryptocurrencies to transcend geographical and cultural boundaries, reshaping how transactions are conducted globally. As it continues to grow, MCoin not only enriches its users’ financial operations but also contributes significantly to the maturation and sophistication of the global cryptocurrency market.

Stay updated on MCoin’s journey by following on CoinMarketCap and joining the growing community on social media. Discover how MCoin is setting the standard for digital currency innovation and global adoption.

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CREAT’OR Shakes Up Equity Crowdfunding With Beta Stage ICO and StakeXchange Platform



CREAT’OR (Crypto Related Equity And Token Operational Resources) has officially launched its highly anticipated Initial Coin Offering (ICO), currently in the BETA Stage, offering an incredible 85% discount on its CRET Token. This is a remarkable event in the company’s journey towards upgrading the Equity Crowdfunding industry via Web 3.0.

Within the tendencies of Web 3.0, CREAT’OR is designing an alternative crowdfunding platform that seamlessly blends blockchain technology with traditional financing models. This special approach brings transparency, efficiency, and democratic principles to the crypto crowdfunding space. Unlike traditional equity investments, CREAT’OR’s StakeXchange platform empowers investors to unlock, sell, or trade their equity positions directly within the project’s ecosystem, enhancing liquidity and opening new avenues for engagement and growth.

James Galler, Co-founder and Managing Director of CREAT’OR, highlighted the company’s commitment to innovation, stating, “Within the realm of Web 3.0, CREAT’OR is leading the charge with our groundbreaking crowdfunding platform. Our approach seamlessly blends blockchain technology with traditional financing models, ushering in an era where transparency and efficiency meet democratic principles in the crypto crowdfunding space. As co-founder and Managing Director, I’m proud to say that we’re not just facilitating funding accessibility for businesses of all sizes; we’re also offering investors a diverse array of transparent investment opportunities. But what truly sets us apart is our innovative StakeXchange platform. Unlike traditional equity investments, StakeXchange empowers investors to unlock, sell, or trade their equity positions directly within the CREAT’OR ecosystem. This unique feature not only enhances liquidity but also opens up new avenues for engagement and growth. At CREAT’OR, we’re not just closing gaps; we’re blazing trails in the digital economy, shaping the future of financing one innovative step at a time.”


The competitive advantage of CREAT’OR lies in its innovative fusion of blockchain technology with traditional financing models. This distinctive blend positions CREAT’OR as a transparent, secure, and accessible hub for funding, while simultaneously offering diverse investment opportunities. By seamlessly integrating blockchain into its platform, CREAT’OR ensures immutable records, transparent transactions, and heightened security, instilling confidence among both businesses seeking funding and investors. Moreover, this integration expands the investor base to include enthusiasts of cryptocurrency and blockchain innovations. The company’s hybrid approach not only enhances transparency and security but also provides a wide array of investment options, catering to various investor preferences. In essence, CREAT’OR serves as a bridge between the traditional financial world and the evolving blockchain ecosystem, setting itself apart in the competitive environment and fostering a more inclusive and dynamic future for crowdfunding and investments.

For more information about the project please visit the official website, read their whitepaper, and refer to the specified communication channels:


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BitVM-Based Bitlayer’s $50M Developer Incentive Airdrop Program Brings in Over 800 Projects



Bitlayer, the first Bitcoin Layer 2 based on the BitVM paradigm, is currently working on building the largest Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem.

According to official data, the $50 million developer incentive airdrop program launched by Bitlayer has already attracted more than 800 projects to sign up. These projects encompass a variety of categories, including infrastructure, DeFi, NFTs, memes, SocialFi, cross-chain bridges, and wallets.

Additionally, Bitlayer has launched a popularity ranking list for projects during the preparatory phase in order to visualize the community activity of the project parties. Before voting ends on May 10th, users can actively participate in voting to earn Ready Player One Campaign Points. Concurrently, the project team can build up popularity points, which will contribute to an advantageous position in the official Bitlayer leaderboard rankings. As of now, the event has attracted over 5 million votes.

What is Ready Player One?

Ready Player One is an open incentive program designed to distribute token rewards valued at over $50M to protocols and teams that stand out for their deployment on the Bitlayer mainnet, helping them gain industry exposure, funding, and acceleration of community and business growth.

The Ready Player One developer incentive airdrop program is divided into four phases:

Registration Epoch: March 29th to May 10th.

Projects will complete their event registration and join the Bitlayer builder group.

Preparation Epoch: April 23rd to May 10th.

Community members can accumulate Ready Player One points and have a chance to gain a Bitlayer Lucky Helmet NFT. Project teams are encouraged to gather community resources through voting to increase their awareness and support.

Competition Epoch: Estimated Duration from May 11th to July 11th

Project teams will participate in leaderboard competitions as well as an accelerator program to compete for developer airdrop rewards and grants.

Reward Settlement and Issuance Epoch: Starting May 11th

Based on the competition’s outcome, Bitlayer will tally points and distribute rewards following the end of the competition.

In addition to generous token rewards, Bitlayer commits to providing comprehensive ecosystem support for all projects, offering the following resources to builders:

  • Potential investment from the foundation and institutions
  • Initial liquidity support
  • Comprehensive product development resources
  • Mentorship and pitch opportunities from top-tier incubators
  • Support from the Bitcoin community and OGs
  • Ecosystem collaboration and co-creation

All teams participating in Ready Player One are eligible to apply for these resources. Bitlayer will regularly announce a list of projects receiving Bitlayer’s support, ensuring that their innovations receive the growth and resources they deserve.

How are Airdrop Rewards Distributed?

Bitlayer developer airdrop rewards will be distributed through a combination of leaderboard competitions and an accelerator program.

Leaderboard competition

Based on the principles of fairness, openness, and transparency, Bitlayer will establish a leaderboard for all successfully registered projects. Bitlayer Dapp Points will be calculated and updated daily based on a variety of metrics, including Total Value Locked (TVL), trading volume, number of transactions, product strength, number of active users, retention rate, activity level, and popularity.

The more Bitlayer Dapp Points a project accumulates, the higher its ranking will be. Bitlayer will distribute the rewards uniformly at the end of the competition.

Accelerator program

To provide more targeted support for crypto entrepreneurs, we will launch the Bitlayer Accelerator Program concurrently with the start of the Bitlayer Ecosystem Leaderboard Competition. This program is open to all participants of the developer incentive airdrop program, and successful registration will automatically place you on the shortlist for the accelerator, eliminating the need for a separate application.

To ensure a higher level of transparency and fairness in the selection process, Bitlayer plans to establish a jury comprising organizations such as the Bitlayer Foundation team and many leading web3 VCs such as ABCDE Capital. The jury will professionally assess and vote based on various dimensions including project category, team background, and community engagement.

Bitlayer intends to hold monthly selections, with projects that secure the most votes receiving token airdrop rewards of up to $3 million. The distribution of all rewards will cease once they have been fully disbursed.

The Leaderboard Competition and Accelerator Program will not only bring outstanding teams to the forefront but also provide a differentiated incentive mechanism to help startups achieve a successful launch and secure growth within the Bitlayer ecosystem.

About Bitlayer

Bitlayer is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 solution based on the BitVM paradigm. Bitlayer’s core objective is to address the trade-off between security (trustlessness) and Turing-completeness in BTC layer 2 through cryptographic innovations and blockchain protocol engineering.

Bitlayer is committed to becoming the computation layer for Bitcoin, aiming to introduce ultra-scalability to Bitcoin while inheriting its security, providing users with a high-throughput, low-cost transaction experience.

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Royal Finance Coin Pre-Sale Announced: An Environmental-Friendly Investment Opportunity Prioritizing Long-Time Value Growth



Royal Finance Coin (RFC) has announced the commencement of the pre-sale of its much-awaited token, offering early investors a chance to join the project at a favorable entry point. The brainchild of financial experts from the crypto industry, the RFC token is strategically positioned for high growth, backed by tangible assets, and committed to sustainability, making it a pioneering investment opportunity.

Post-pre-sale, RFC vows to reinvest in state-of-the-art crypto mining machines housed within’s premier data centers, exclusively powered by renewable energy sources. This initiative underscores RFC’s pledge to sustainable mining practices, ensuring a greener future for digital finance.

RFC’s strategic investment insights project significant asset generation, with each mining machine capable of producing cryptocurrency worth one Bitcoin monthly. This deliberate injection of value enhances RFC’s token worth, fostering steady appreciation in the market.

Mined cryptocurrency is reinvested into RFC’s liquidity pool, bolstering token stability and growth. This strategic move not only ensures continuous asset backing but also drives value and stability in the cryptocurrency market.

RFC offers a staking program for token holders, providing competitive Annual Percentage Yields (APY) and monthly rewards. This initiative fosters community engagement, contributing to RFC’s ecosystem stability and growth.

RFC announces plans to establish an international hub in Dubai, marking a significant milestone in its global expansion journey. Details of this venture will be unveiled in due course, reflecting RFC’s ambition to solidify its presence in the global market.

RFC’s innovative solution aims to replace traditional mining farms with a decentralized, low-energy-impact system, ensuring sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

Through local cluster nodes, RFC intelligently connects to primary pool services, optimizing hash accumulation and reducing electricity consumption.

RFC’s roadmap outlines strategic milestones, including the pre-sale, public sale, mining operations kick-off, and setting up an international hub in Dubai, paving the way for exponential growth and market expansion.

With yearly revenue goals of $6 million to $7.2 million from mining operations and market cap milestones aiming for exponential growth, RFC promises lucrative returns and sustainable growth prospects.

Royal Finance Coin (RFC) epitomizes the fusion of technology, sustainability, and investment opportunity, offering a compelling case for investors seeking long-term value growth and environmental responsibility.

Join RFC’s journey at and become part of a revolution in digital finance.

To learn more, read the whitepaper at:

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